Helping you manage your business.

Once upon a time, we all worked for big companies — whatever help we needed was available in-house.

There was an IT Department, a Marketing Department, a Finance Department… all sorts of people whose job it was to support the work we did every day.

Today, that’s changed. When you work on your own — as a solo or owner of a small business — it’s up to you to keep the business running smoothly, in addition to doing the work itself.

It can be frustrating and time-consuming. Even when it does go well, it keeps you from the work you’d rather be doing.

That’s where I come in. I handle all the details and all the minutiae — the things you hate doing — so that you can get back to work.


Newsletters are a great way to communicate. I can help with writing and scheduling your newsletters. Read more on my Services page. Read more.

Client List Management

Managing and maintaining your client lists makes it easier to stay in touch with them! I can help with this important function. Read more on my Services page. Read more.

Blog Posts

Writing, creating images, and scheduling blog posts is something I can help with. Read more on my Services page. Read more.

I have known Teresa Oliver for more than twenty years. She has a splendid work ethic and is determined to provide exceptional services. I am confident she will be able to assist small business owners with her professional skill sets.

Fred Shelton
Developing Disciples Ministry