A few weeks ago, our youngest child attended his last youth activity at church, closing the door on about thirteen years of monthly afterglows, camps, and other assorted youth activities for our family. It’s a bittersweet time.
I’m excited for him as he steps out. I’m proud of the young man he has become and how he has met the challenges he has faced over the past year. I have poured 18 years of my life into him, and now I am seeing what he will do with what he was given.
This reminds me of my business. Time and money have been invested, and needed systems have been put into place. I have built relationships with people I know, like, and trust (and who I hope know, like, and trust me). I am seeing the fruit of that labor. It all takes time.
The key is to be consistent and not give up. I didn’t give up when going through difficult times with my kids; I kept doing what I needed to do, loving them and working with them. In the same way, while a business is not on the same level as my family, a similar strategy applies. Don’t give up. Keep going. Consistency will pay big dividends in the future.
What about you? Do you have any words of wisdom that you can offer? Has there been a time when you went through a period of building to have something of value later? I’d like to hear about it!