While many say that email newsletters are outdated, they can significantly benefit your business. 😺 Having all your contacts in one place protects you against platforms that can go away immediately,🔥losing all the information you have accumulated there. 😨 Email newsletters allow you to stay in contact with people. 👍 Trust can be built by… Continue reading The Benefit of Email Newsletters
If I visited your office right now, would I find sticky notes on your desk or in a drawer ready for quick retrieval? I don’t know of anyone who has never used sticky notes. They are everywhere! We use Sticky Notes, or Post It Notes, to remind ourselves of something or to jot a quick… Continue reading STICKY NOTES HELP YOU STAY ORGANIZED AND PRODUCTIVE
Excel, A Powerful Software Program
Excel is a powerhouse! I have used Excel for years, and I am always amazed when I discover something new about it! First and foremost, of course, Excel is a powerful program for mathematical calculations. This is where it really shines. There are too many functions to detail here, but when you have data that… Continue reading Excel, A Powerful Software Program
5 Hints for Turning Your Habits Around
A habit is defined by Merriam-Webster as an “acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary.” We develop a habit over time, and this habit becomes part of our routine, how we operate on a daily basis. But our habits don’t have to define us. They don’t have to control us. We… Continue reading 5 Hints for Turning Your Habits Around
Consistency is the ability to perform the same task in the same manner repeatedly. How does consistency help us in business? By building consistency into your business, you build trust with your clients, customers, and business partners. They will know that when you say that you will do something, it will be done. And they… Continue reading Consistency
Being Thankful in Business
Do you remember your mom telling you to “say thank you!” when someone gave you something as a child? Hopefully, we have integrated that early lesson into our lives. But sometimes in the busy-ness of business, we may forget.🤷♀️ Go back to basics and remember to say “thank you” when someone helps you. Even if… Continue reading Being Thankful in Business