Here’s what I recommend to take deliberate steps to improve things in your business: 1. Examine your business from the outside in. Listen 👂 to your outgoing voicemail message – is it friendly and clear? Look 👀 at your email signature – is your phone number included? When was the last time you read your website… Continue reading Filling the Gaps When Things Get Slow
Author: Teresa Oliver
What is Your Area Like?
I live in South Central Kentucky. When someone said “Kentucky,” I always thought of mountains. But there are no mountains where I live. We have lots of gently rolling hills. And this time of year, they are verdant and beautiful and give me a sense of peace. I love to see the green hills! What… Continue reading What is Your Area Like?
Deciding is One Thing. Doing is Another.
I recently heard a quote attributed to Vance Havner, a well-known preacher from the twentieth century, that I thought was striking. “Deciding is one thing. Doing is another.” He used it in a spiritual context, but it is applicable to many other areas of life! Deciding is important. We DECIDE on a career. We DECIDE… Continue reading Deciding is One Thing. Doing is Another.
What’s Your Favorite Summer Tradition?
What summer traditions do you enjoy? Our family is not into sports. We are pretty low key. We don’t travel much. We hang out at home and work around the house. But each summer holiday, I always make homemade ice cream. The creamy sweet concoction is a favorite! It’s well known in our family that… Continue reading What’s Your Favorite Summer Tradition?
5 Ways to Make Your Business Look 👀 More Professional
When you work for someone else, your employer provides you with a computer, a phone, an email address, and business cards.✔️ The company has a logo, a website, and procedures established for how to get the work done. But … when you work for yourself, you start with none of that. It’s up to you… Continue reading 5 Ways to Make Your Business Look 👀 More Professional
What Do You Do For Exercise?
What do you do for exercise? I can just hear the groans now. “Is she really going there?” Well, if you know me, you know that I’m not a particularly athletic 🏋️ person, but I do like to do Pilates. I have found that Pilates builds core strength, as well as flexibility. My back no… Continue reading What Do You Do For Exercise?